Living Bible Tours

“Bringing the Bible to Life”

Living Bible Tours

Living Bible Tours is a boutique travel company for trips to Israel. We provide tours of the holy land and 360° camera virtual tours online. After 8 years guiding Christians of various denominations, I decided to open a tour company, knowing that nothing beats hands on experience when it comes to tailoring a tour to a specific group or individuals. We provide everything that you will need from when you touch down to when you leave Israel. We understand that a trip to Israel is not just another holiday. It is something that can have a huge impact on your relationship with the land and the bible. This is why we work on quality, not quantity. We talk with each group or group leader, discussing what they want, and how best to provide it. It is our purpose to provide you with the most meaningful trip possible.

What makes us different?

We start with the guides. Nothing beats hands on experience in the field. After years of guiding and satisfied customers, I write itineraries that make the best use of your time in Israel and focus on what is important to you.
I was raised in a Jewish home and educated in Christian schools so I have a rare combination of knowledge and understanding of the two religions, both what is shared and unique about each one. Being British and Israeli also allows me to understand the perspective of people coming from other countries whilst also helping them to navigate and enjoy the local culture.
We are a boutique business, making every customer important to us. Finally, and maybe most important is that this is more than just a business. Israel is my passion and strengthening people’s faith and connection to the country has become my life’s work. Our goal is not to meet your expectations, but to surpass them.

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Write to us for personalized travel advice or for information on group travel and last minute travel, all travel is insured and safe.